Why have the council opened a Community Library and Wellbeing Hub?
Since the library closure by the former County Council in December 2019 there has been no library provision in the town. The council were advised early last summer that £22,310 of section 106 monies held for 'library provision in Higham Ferrers' by North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) were to be returned to the developer unless they could be used. The council were invited by NNC to submit a plan for the development of library provision in Higham Ferrers to allow the monies to be retained for the community and not returned to the developer.
NNC required a plan for the establishment of library provision from the council within a matter of weeks of the initial advice. A plan was submitted and subsequently £22,310 was passed to the council through a funding agreement dated 12th July 2023. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions to which the funding is passed from NNC to the council for the purposes of library provision in the town, including a timetable for delivery.
Why is the Community Library and Wellbeing Hub located in the Community Room and not the Pavilion building or elsewhere?
The council have a long-term lease from Snowdon Homes for the Community Room to the rear of the former library building. The council also own the Pavilion on the recreation ground. To secure the funding the council needed to establish a library in a building in which they could demonstrate long-term security. At the time of submitting the funding plan the future of the Pavilion was not certain. The council was not clear if the Pavilion would have to be demolished or if it was feasible for renovation. On this basis it was agreed that the community room was the better option, at that point in time, for the establishment of the library or Community Library and Wellbeing Hub as it is now known. Investing in the fixtures and fittings of the Pavilion building when it had an uncertain future did not align with the requirements of the funding agreement. The council did not have ownership or long-term security of any other available buildings within the town. In the future, and should the Pavilion be renovated, there is scope for the council to move elements of the library and wellbeing services to it or other town venues.
What is the Community Library and Wellbeing Hub?
The Community Library and Wellbeing Hub will provide a wide range of services for the town. It will provide library loan items to local people who may find it difficult to access the NNC supported library services. Loan items will include large print titles and audio books. In addition, it provides a safe and welcoming space for people to meet and enjoy a tea or coffee and a biscuit. Wellbeing sessions and resources are being developed, with a focus on the under 5s.
The Hub is managed by the recently appointed Community Connector, Natasha Fountain. Natasha is recruiting and working alongside volunteers to help her run the Hub. Natasha and the volunteers will be developing the wellbeing services alongside the library provision. The Hub will also provide a sign-posting service to local charities and community groups. In the summer months the Hub will benefit from the enclosed outside space and the development of a Reading Garden.
What is the Book Exchange and who operates the Book Exchange?
The Book Exchange allows people to drop books off that they have read and no longer require and pick up any other books that are of interest to them; it is thus a location where books are passed between residents free of charge.
The Book Exchange is operated by a gentleman called Barry Prigmore from the Pavilion building on the recreation ground. Barry is a resident of the town and also a town councillor. Barry operates the Book Exchange as an individual, not on behalf of, or as a council initiative. As such, the council have no direct involvement with, or say over how the Book Exchange operates. The Book Exchange is a solo and very admirable enterprise on Barry's part, with the help of volunteers and many book donations from the community. Naturally, the council is extremely pleased that Barry chose to start the Book Exchange and is fully supportive of Barry's initiative and appreciative of the value it brings to the community. The council assisted Barry by allowing him to use the Pavilion building free from any hire charge, has allocated space for storage of books outside of the opening times, and helps further by promoting the Book Exchange to local residents.
For further information regarding the Book Exchange please contact Barry Prigmore
Email: bap1957@hotmail.co.uk or 07933 776167
Are the Book Exchange and Community Library and Wellbeing Hub working together?
Yes. The council and Barry Prigmore of the Book Exchange are working together. Books borrowed from the Book Exchange may be returned to the Community Library and Wellbeing Hub and conversely books borrowed from the Hub may be returned to the Book Exchange. Book donations may be dropped to either venue or the Town Hall, Market Square.
What if I want further information or are interested in volunteering for the Community Library and Wellbeing Hub?
Further information can be found on the council website.
Community Library & Wellbeing Hub | Higham Ferrers Town Council (highamferrers-tc.gov.uk)
Email info@highamferrers-tc.gov.uk or 01933 312075
We are also looking for volunteers so we can open as often as possible. If you would like to be considered for a volunteering role, then please contact as follows or complete a Volunteer Application Form https://forms.office.com/e/jJYCFURpSB
Community Connector, Natasha Fountain
Email: connector@highamferrers-tc.gov.uk
Mobile: 07301 245485
Working pattern: Tuesday 1230-1600, Wednesday 0900-1600, Thursday 0900-1330
The Hub is for the residents of Higham Ferrers and aims to provide groups and services that are needed. The form below can be used to make suggestions of things you feel that Higham Ferrers needs. Please follow this link to submit your suggestion: