27th September 2024

Search Higham Ferrers Town Council

Serving the people of Higham Ferrers

Higham Ferrers "Bee Squared" Project Update

Higham Ferrers "Bee Squared" Project Update

The 2024 "Bee Squared" Project has successfully concluded. All the Higham Ferrers Primary/Junior schools have received enough seed packets for each pupil and the Secondary school received the requested amount. In addition, Cllr Gerald Kelly gave nearly a thousand packets of seeds to local businesses for distribution to their customers. Cllr Gerald Kelly was delighted that so many businesses were so happy to take part.

There are a small number of seed packets left in the Town Hall, which can be picked up; however, as they are in demand they may not be there for too long.

We are looking forward to receiving photos of all the lovely flowers, and the bees that are attracted to them.

Please email your photos to: info@highamferrers-tc.gov.uk

Posted: Sat, 30 Mar 2024

Tags: Community, Environment, Green Spaces