The Hunt for Higham's Heroes - Discover the stories behind the street names
Back in July we posted about a special project launched to try and find the families of the men, and one woman, who are being honoured by having streets named after them at the new Harper Crewe housing development behind the Ferrers School (see the article here:
An exhibit is now being launched to showcase the stories of these 11 brave men who left Higham Ferrers to fight in World War One, and a Suffragette born right here in the town. Come and visit the exhibition to discover these incredible stories, see wartime artefacts, trench art, re-enactors dressed in clothing of the era plus a Suffragette display and more.
The main exhibition will take place on Saturday 9th November at Hope Methodist Church, Queensway from 9.10am-1pm. A coffee morning run by the Higham Girls Brigade will also be taking place at this time so you can get some refreshments whilst enjoying the exhibition.
The exhibition boards will then move to the Bede House and will be on display following the Remembrance Service on Sunday 10th November (expected to finish around 11.30am) until 4pm.
On Monday 11th November and Tuesday 12th November the exhibition boards will then be on display at St Mary's Church from 10am-7pm, alongside some Remembrance displays from local schools and organisations.
We hope you will find a chance during one of the above dates to come along and take some time to reflect on the stories of those that are being honoured.
Posted: Mon, 14 Oct 2024