Rushden and Higham Ferrers Wellbeing Bus Service
'Rushden and Higham Ferrers Wellbeing Bus' trial door to door minibus service has come to Higham Ferrers and Rushden
An extended 'R&H Wellbeing Bus' service is being trialled between Higham Ferrers and Rushden. Provided by Shire Community Services and jointly funded by Higham Ferrers and Rushden Town Councils, the new dial a ride style door to door minibus service is wheelchair friendly and fully accessible for those with mobility needs. It is open to all but also designed for residents who are unable to use public transport due to age or disability to help them access local shops and town centres using the concessionary bus scheme.
The demand led service allows passengers to book up to 5 days in advance or up to 12noon on the day before they would like to travel. Regular bookings can also be taken if you attend a weekly day centre, class or social group. Every day is different and dependent on the number of passengers booked.
To use the service there is currently no membership fee, and transport on the bus is completely free of charge if you hold a concessionary bus pass (disabled or older person's bus pass). A small charge is made for those without a concessionary bus pass.
Paper copies of the membership form for the trial can be obtained from the Town Council Offices in the Town Hall, Market Square, the Library at Rushden or can be downloaded from the Shire Community Services website at the link below.
Since Expresslines withdrew its Rushden-Higham link bus in September both town councils have been working together to secure a financially viable replacement. The new trial service is great news for both towns. This new scheme is a case of use it or lose it and we encourage you to take out the membership and get on board to ensure the service continues.
Further information about the Rushden and Higham Ferrers Wellbeing Bus service can be found below in the FAQs or by visiting the website 01933 223636 or by reaching out to the town council on 01933 312075
Wellibus Frequently Asked Questions
Wellibus FAQs (PDF, 175 Kb)
Wellibus Frequently Asked Questions
We try to keep this page up to date at all times but please check directly with Shire Community Services for any specific queries.